January 30, 2014

Five participants reveal why they’re going to #ENG14

If you still haven’t registered for #ENG14, you need to listen to these voices who will be there.

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Presenter David Fitch says:

I am a homer for Ecclesia Network. I admit it. In a country dominated by large mega conferences for mega church wannabe’s, where traditional denominations are struggling to deal with the big cultural questions, where you’re either a conservative Reformed person or a liberal something or other, where gender women issue is either hierarchicalized or obliterated, I have found myself most comfortable as a pastor in Ecclesia Network.

Kafr az Zayyāt Here we talk. We deal with tough questions. No ego’s, no illusions.

Ty Grigg, co-pastor of Chicago’s Life on the Vine says:

We desperately need to have a conversation about Scripture – the way it works on us and through us, with power and authority.  We need to get beyond inerrancy and Bible wars and into the difficult, messy struggle – reading Scriptures with all of our hearts, minds, and bodies  – and letting it read us, leading us into obedience and mission.

cruelly One place where it is safe to have this conversation is the Ecclesia National Gathering.

Ryan Braught, a church planter considering joining Ecclesia says:

Over the 3 years that I have been exploring Ecclesia…[where]I have developed relationships with people who are amazing people of faith and passion. People who are committed to the Kingdom of God and the mission of God in this world. These are people who understand missional church planting and have been there before…. [they] can give me great advice based on their experience, not just reading.

Shane Blackshear, host of the podcast Seminary Dropout says:

I think the theme of the conference is so significant for the future of Christianity that I’m making the trip half way across the country to attend.

In the age of Christendom, believers took for granted that scripture was authoritative, but we are coming out of that time. I think this is a good thing, not because I don’t believe that scripture is authoritative, but because we are now forced to examine the nature of scripture and ask questions about why, how and in what manner it is authoritative.

Chris Morton, Community Developer at Austin Mustard Seed says:

Once upon a time, a phrase like “the Bible says it” may have had some weight. Today, there is a growing contingent of our society that find the Bible laughable or even offensive.

The world around us is rethinking it’s relationship with authority. Bible-loving Jesus followers have to do the same.

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